Friday, April 10, 2020


This GIN GLASS DESK is designed to fit in any living space. Perfect to use in modern style rooms. It is created from a thick glass panels which are fixed together with the help of Sleeve Over Glass Clamps.These are designed to provide a mechanical fastener to cover the shear forces placed on the glass panels. This glass coffee table is available in different sizes and glass types.

This GIN GLASS DESK is designed to fit in any living space. Perfect to use in modern style rooms. It is created from a thick glass panels which are fixed together with the help of Sleeve Over Glass Clamps.These are designed to provide a mechanical fastener to cover the shear forces placed on the glass panels. This glass coffee table is available in different sizes and glass types.
Gin Glass Desk - Glass furniture oklahoma


Author & Editor

If you need a unique looking glass table tops, then we are the right choice for you.